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The Kindle in Color - Top User Issues answered.

I used to thought a tablet was

actually a high-end purchase, beginning

from $350 onwards. But that was well

before the first appearance of the Kindle in Color (aka: Kindle Fire) at $199.

The Kindle in Color includes a carefully-planned and built multi-colored

touch-screen with an ereader, browser, DVD and music player along with a

great processing speed for those favourite games,

movies utilized frequently.

So what exactly are men and women saying & wondering over the Fire?
Begining with discussing the firstfirst: Why do we need a tablet in the first place? Do users really need one?
The answer is naturally we may not will be needing one, when compared to a laptop or pc. The Kindle in Color is not supposed to substitute for a PC.

But like a PC or the internet was not too long in the past, not too long into the future it will make it way all home.
The whole idea of a tablet is its mobility,

suitable for use for quick trips like holidays, a business trip, or where carrying a laptop around is probably


With a size of 7-inches several may discover

that its portability is the most attractive features of this tablet.

In addition, it'll conveniently be placed into a small

travelling bag or ladies handbag; compared to a larger tablet, that might

have the need for a separate bag.

Talking about portability, cart around the ipad and

then the Fire and suddenly, you will discover how much more lightweight the Amazon Kindle tablet is. Consider carrying around a few

excess pounds in a bags bag. You'll recognize that before long, the

other pound or two in a bag really makes a big difference to your general experience.

The next question asked by users is: Is the Seven(7)inch screen-

display just a little bit small?

You'll find of course added benefits

with regards to a 10-inch screen, in

particular when considering video gaming and motion pictures.

While a Ten inch screen is good for looking

at films, don't forget that up to some three years ago, the only kind of portable DVD player used to be seven inch screen; and

it worked excellently!

So the choice is strictly up to your own preferences. There's a

balance between portability and size.

Just how long would the memory last? How many films, books, magazines would it

This is a tricky one to figure

out. Industry experts believe that that it can

keep 10 or so motion pictures . which isn't very

much. Even so, a point worth noting

is that regardless this, any device of this sort

was created for short periods of use.
For this reason it is recommended

that we don't use it to keep an endless range of films, songs, books. There are portable computer drives, and many other multi-media storage

gadgets built for that goal.

What people find the Kindle in Color most useful for?
The most important draw is portability, and for playing

games and playing motion pictures. With access to the

cloud Amazon server, it permits consumers

fast processing speeds - An

necessary aspect to consider when streaming.

What are the disadvantages in

the Kindle in Color?

At present the Kindle in Color only has wi-fi

compatability not 3G. Consequently unless you have connection to a high speed wifi, it is best to

either look at the ipad or wait a little for a

future roll-out of next release of the Kindle tablet.

Furthermore, it does not include a camera, which

can be a drawback for people

who take shots on an impromptu basis.

In summary, is it a good buy?

Having said all that, we are standing by it as a product that it is

still bang for your buck at $199. It could be the case that,

there could be other attributes for it to

be far better - for instance the 3G or camera.
But remember that this is the first release of the Kindle

tablet. The functions it includes work really nicely. Isn't it preferable to have value for money with functions that we

principally use, then to have a bunch of functions that may, or

may not perform and where we end-users are used to test and try features that are yet not ready?

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