How to Stop Gout Attacks Naturally
Looking for a natural way to stop gout attacks? Then you've come the right place.
Here, you'll discover the cause of your gout, why more people are choosing natural remedies, and, how to stop gout attacks naturally and prevent them from returning.
In considering the question of how to stop gout attacks you have 2 basic options; drug treatment or natural remedies.
And in order to understand their benefits it is worthwhile going over the cause of gout...
Cause of Gout Symptoms The symptoms of gout -- redness, heat, stiffness, inflammation, swelling and horrible pain -- arise because of the body's reaction to crystals of uric acid that have accumulated in the joints.
The big toe is by far the most prevalent, but gout can appear in most any joint.
The uric acid crystals are formed from excess levels of uric acid that our kidneys have been unable to flush out of our systems, for one reason or another.
And uric acid itself is a byproduct of the breakdown of compounds in our cells called "purines".
These also exist in much of our food.
In our bodies, they are part of the process that provides us with our energy and protein needs.
So you can see that high levels of uric acid in your bloodstream leads to gout attacks.
In order to stop attacks, you need to reduce these higher-than-normal levels of uric acid, and, maintain them at more normal levels for your body.
Drugs to Stop Gout Attacks When your doctor has diagnosed you with gout they will usually prescribe anti-inflammatory's to reduce the inflammation and help relieve pain.
Plus, they may also advise a long-term course of drugs to help lower your uric acid levels.
Both in short term pain and symptom relief, and, longer term uric acid reduction, these drugs can work very well.
Except for two things: (1) They have some nasty side effects like nausea, vomiting, headaches, stomach cramps, ulcers, bleeding and even skin allergies.
(2) The uric acid reducing drug only works as long as you take it.
If you stop, your acid levels can rise again.
This is why so many gout sufferers take this for the rest of their lives.
Why Gout Sufferers Are Using Natural Means to Stop Gout Attacks Because of the downsides with drugs given above, more and more sufferers are turning to natural home-based treatments to both eliminate the symptoms of a gout attack, and, reduce and maintain their uric acid at healthier levels to prevent recurring gout.
And it's very important to prevent frequent gout attacks as these can cause serious damage to your joints, even permanent damage.
And they can also cause painful kidney stones and kidney damage in some cases.
How to Stop Gout Attacks Naturally A combination of natural approaches for both gout symptom relief, and, uric acid reduction can help you do this...
There are tons of home remedies for gout attack relief: for example, eating lots of cherries everyday; drinking cherry juice; drinking raw apple cider vinegar in water daily; drinking a minimum of 2 to 3 liters of water a day; hot and cold water compresses; drinking baking soda mixed in water; plus many, many more.
And there are many home remedies that can help lower uric acid, such as; alfalfa, supplemental vitamin C, devil's claw, juniper, nettle, saffron, etc.
But, what might work for some people might not for others since everyone's circumstances are different.
You have to experiment and find what combination is best for you.
In addition, you need to address critical things like your diet and lifestyle...
For example, since uric acid-producing purines also exist in food, as a gout sufferer, you need to change to a low-purine diet in order to help lower your uric acid levels.
Basically, you need to avoid things like red meat, poultry, some fish, shellfish, etc.
, and replace with low-purine foods like essential fatty acids, low fat dairy products, complex carbohydrates and foods high in vitamin C.
Here, you'll discover the cause of your gout, why more people are choosing natural remedies, and, how to stop gout attacks naturally and prevent them from returning.
In considering the question of how to stop gout attacks you have 2 basic options; drug treatment or natural remedies.
And in order to understand their benefits it is worthwhile going over the cause of gout...
Cause of Gout Symptoms The symptoms of gout -- redness, heat, stiffness, inflammation, swelling and horrible pain -- arise because of the body's reaction to crystals of uric acid that have accumulated in the joints.
The big toe is by far the most prevalent, but gout can appear in most any joint.
The uric acid crystals are formed from excess levels of uric acid that our kidneys have been unable to flush out of our systems, for one reason or another.
And uric acid itself is a byproduct of the breakdown of compounds in our cells called "purines".
These also exist in much of our food.
In our bodies, they are part of the process that provides us with our energy and protein needs.
So you can see that high levels of uric acid in your bloodstream leads to gout attacks.
In order to stop attacks, you need to reduce these higher-than-normal levels of uric acid, and, maintain them at more normal levels for your body.
Drugs to Stop Gout Attacks When your doctor has diagnosed you with gout they will usually prescribe anti-inflammatory's to reduce the inflammation and help relieve pain.
Plus, they may also advise a long-term course of drugs to help lower your uric acid levels.
Both in short term pain and symptom relief, and, longer term uric acid reduction, these drugs can work very well.
Except for two things: (1) They have some nasty side effects like nausea, vomiting, headaches, stomach cramps, ulcers, bleeding and even skin allergies.
(2) The uric acid reducing drug only works as long as you take it.
If you stop, your acid levels can rise again.
This is why so many gout sufferers take this for the rest of their lives.
Why Gout Sufferers Are Using Natural Means to Stop Gout Attacks Because of the downsides with drugs given above, more and more sufferers are turning to natural home-based treatments to both eliminate the symptoms of a gout attack, and, reduce and maintain their uric acid at healthier levels to prevent recurring gout.
And it's very important to prevent frequent gout attacks as these can cause serious damage to your joints, even permanent damage.
And they can also cause painful kidney stones and kidney damage in some cases.
How to Stop Gout Attacks Naturally A combination of natural approaches for both gout symptom relief, and, uric acid reduction can help you do this...
There are tons of home remedies for gout attack relief: for example, eating lots of cherries everyday; drinking cherry juice; drinking raw apple cider vinegar in water daily; drinking a minimum of 2 to 3 liters of water a day; hot and cold water compresses; drinking baking soda mixed in water; plus many, many more.
And there are many home remedies that can help lower uric acid, such as; alfalfa, supplemental vitamin C, devil's claw, juniper, nettle, saffron, etc.
But, what might work for some people might not for others since everyone's circumstances are different.
You have to experiment and find what combination is best for you.
In addition, you need to address critical things like your diet and lifestyle...
For example, since uric acid-producing purines also exist in food, as a gout sufferer, you need to change to a low-purine diet in order to help lower your uric acid levels.
Basically, you need to avoid things like red meat, poultry, some fish, shellfish, etc.
, and replace with low-purine foods like essential fatty acids, low fat dairy products, complex carbohydrates and foods high in vitamin C.