Business & Finance Investing & Financial Markets

Low Risk Investments - Getting One With High Capital Returns!

Is it possible to get a low risk investment with high capital gains?

The answer is yes, however you need to keep a few points in mind. Below find some tips on finding a low risk investment thats right for you.

The safest low risk investments are bank deposit funds and government bonds.

The growth may not be spectacular but your money is generally safe and secure and you know what you're going to get without any shocks.

Other so called low risk investments are not. Let's consider the stock market.

Often sold as low risk investment they are nothing of the sort.

Mutual funds tend not to perform that well, with volatility up to 30% and in some cases more, its hardly low risk and investing in shares without a spread can be even worse

Even the biggest companies can go bust and do!

A low risk investment that tends to perform well over time is real estate.

People can and do make great returns in the right location with low risk.

Another low risk investment that is not so popular but probably has the best growth rates to downside volatility is land.

You may never have considered land as an investment before, however it can and does offer outstanding growth potential with low downside risk and even better is:

It's cheap (cheaper than real estate for example), it's easy to understand and it's easy to buy and sell.

The key with this investment

Is the same as property location!

You need to buy in booming economies, near growth towns, or coming infrastructure and you can then sell when the land is developed at a profit.

Today, savvy investors are doing this in a safe and stable country just a 3 hour flight from the US and making 50 100% annual gains with low risk.

Why are the gains so big and downside so low?

The answer is - ocean front property is up to 70% less than in the US and record numbers of Americans are buying.

Of course, this property needs to be built on land.

Add in the other advantages of its easy to buy, you get the same rates as residents, it's extremely tax efficient and you have a great low risk investment for building significant capital gains.

You can do your own research for locations, or deal with a local realtor who can help you pick plots of land.

Which ever option you choose land investment can and does make great gains with low risk.

Howard Hughes made billions, Donald Trump is a huge fan and even funny man Bob Hope made a huge fortune, as do many small potato investors.

Land investing is not just for the rich and today it is a low risk investment open to all and offers a great low risk investment with great growth potential.

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