Technology Software

How to Rip MP3 CD Tags

    • 1). Insert the audio CD into the computer's disc drive.

    • 2). Click "Start," "All Programs" and "Windows Media Player."

    • 3). Open the audio CD in Windows Media Player by clicking its name in the list at the left side of the Windows Media Player window.

    • 4). Rip the audio CD to MP3 files by clicking the arrow to the left of "Rip CD" on the Windows Media Player toolbar, clicking "Rip Settings," clicking "Format" and clicking "MP3."

    • 5). Edit the tags for the MP3 files by right-clicking a song title, artist name, album title or other field in the Windows Media Player window, then clicking "Edit," typing a new name and pressing "Enter." By default, Windows Media Player auto-populates the tags for you.

    • 6). Rip the CD to MP3 files with the tags shown in the Windows Media Player window by clicking the "Rip CD" button on the Windows Media Player toolbar. Windows Media Player creates the new MP3s in your user directory's "Music" folder by default.

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