Health & Medical Dental & Oral

Gingivitis Guide: How Gingivitis Affects Oral Health

Your oral health is not all about having healthy teeth or flashing a beautiful smile. Your oral heath also concerns your gums. Gums do get affected by the food you take or the poor oral hygiene you practice. Gingivitis is one of the most common dental problems experienced by many people today. Because food can contain elements that are harmful to both teeth and gums, most dentists agree that gingivitis should be treated immediately; it can worsen oral conditions and impact the overall appeal of one's smile.

To find the right treatment for gingivitis, you must know what gingivitis is and how it affects your oral health. Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums. It is caused by the buildup of plaque which slowly damages the teeth and gums. Because gingivitis is a kind of periodontal disease, it can advance to the next stage--periodontitis--if it is not treated immediately. Periodontitis is a severe gum condition that leads to tooth loss.

Symptoms of gingivitis generally reveal reddish, swollen, and bleeding gums which gradually result in the gums losing their natural color. Furthermore, a color of flaming red becomes extremely prevalent as the gums begin to recede. The thing with gingivitis is that it can also cause other dental conditions like mouth sores, bad breath, and foul taste.

If gingivitis is diagnosed in its early stages, it is nonetheless manageable through the help of any Davidson dentist. He can clean your teeth and conduct scaling so that tartar and calculus attached on the surface of one's teeth are removed. However, in cases where gingivitis has reached advanced stages, extensive treatment may be required. In other words, treatment will not be done overnight. Of course, you'll need to take vitamins and supplements for your gums to recover. Therefore, it is important that you pay your dentist a visit as soon as possible to prevent gingivitis from progressing to the next stage.  

Any dentist Cornelius residents rely on can advise the patient to take supplements and undergo prophylaxis procedures. Dental prophylaxis has been performed by many dentists in the country. They are performed to clean the teeth and examine the oral cavity. Through prophylaxis, dentists can diagnose and cure even conditions that are not obvious.

Keep in mind that gingivitis isn't a minor condition that affects your gums. Gingivitis is a serious dental condition that can progress to a more severe condition, leading to teeth loss. It is important that it is treated correctly immediately. If you notice symptoms of this condition, call any dentist Cornelius patients will trust right away.

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