Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Your Environment and Your Health - Ecological Illness

Do you know that your living environment can make you sick?Yes!It is true.
How is it? Let's talk about that.
Intolerant reactions to normal substances are not allergies in the true medical sense, yet they have the same symptoms and cause the same distressing health problems.
It is not yet fully understood why people become sensitive to various foods and chemicals.
One theory is that the body may lack the particular enzyme necessary to digest a certain food.
This may be temporary or permanent, acquired or inherited.
An example of this is milk intolerance caused by a lack of lactase, the enzyme needed to digest lactose, the natural sugar in milk.
According to Drs Kenyon and Lewith of the Centre for Alternative Therapies, Southampton, 'Ecological illness is best defined as illness caused wholly or partially by food and/or chemical sensitivity.
In the real sense of the word ecological illness is not strictly allergic, as the normally accepted serological accompaniments of allergic illness are not invariably present.
' Causes of Ecological Illness: What causes the body to become sensitive to many different foods and chemicals? At this stage the causes are not clearly understood.
However the alarming number of people who are now suffering from this problem, in varying degrees, indicates that it is widespread due to the following reasons: The excessive consumption of refined, pre-packed, tinned, frozen and artificially-preserved foods, in our Western civilization.
The over-consumption of refined carbohydrates and the almost daily intake of 'fast foods', are aggravating factors.
Increasing pollution of the environment with chemicals such as fertilizers, insecticides and hydrocarbons.
The vast array of drugs and medication being prescribed daily by doctors for every conceivable complaint.
These factors are related to Western lifestyles.
Many studies have shown that the tribes people of Africa and the rural peasants of Asia, do not suffer from ecological illness.
Freedom from chemicals and drugs, along with their diet of unrefined unprocessed foods, allows their immune systems to work at full potency.
The result is relative freedom from allergies, cancers and heart disease.
While the individual might find it difficult to do much about the overuse of fertilizers and insecticides, it is possible to cut back on drugs and the wrong type of foods.
Ecological illness, whilst being debilitating and depressing, can be overcome by personal discipline and sound management.
According to Dr Richard Mackarness in his book Chemical Victims, in terms of clinical ecology, the body is like a water barrel.
Environmental exposure to allergens, in the form of food and chemical substances, is seen as the water.
If we have an excess of environmental exposure (water), the barrel overflows and the body becomes overloaded with toxins.
Once the excess exposure to allergens can be avoided, the water ceases to overflow the barrel, and the body's immune system can regain control.
Symptoms then disappear and the individual returns to normal good health.
Therefore it is not necessary to eliminate all allergens.
Provided enough of them are eliminated, the body will again take over and deal with the remainder itself.

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