Business & Finance Taxes

Mode of Tax Payment Under OIC

An OIC is a compromise made between the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the liable taxpayer.
The agreement is one that is beneficial to the end of the debtor-taxpayer for this a settlement of the debtor's obligation according to his capacity to pay.
The indebted person shall pay a lesser amount than what he actually owes but in accordance to how much he afford to pay.
The word means offer in compromise to a monetary liability.
The OIC allows you to settle the legal responsibility for an iota of a fraction of what you originally owe.
As soon as the parties have come to a conclusion on having the enforcement of such compromise-agreement then everything is set on the amount stipulated on the terms of the agreement.
The payment in this case must be in full and not through installments to be fair with the government side.
There are certain criteria or guidelines for the making of such types of arrangements.
Compromise agreements are for the Internal Revenue Service to determine based on its sound discretion if a taxpayer can go for this type of arrangement which is generally based on the taxpayer's capacity to comply with his legal obligations.
It is however not just offered to any tax debtor.
IRS can assess the debtor's fiscal circumstances and can be tolerant in fairness to the debtor especially in the present economic situation.
When upon some proofs the Internal Revenue Service can see that there is a dubious capability that he or she can pay or not, it also makes proper consideration.
Taxes are usually a burden but the IRS has its own way of determining whether the citizen concerned can pay or not.
In some instances whereon payment of taxes becomes improbable due to financial circumstances the IRS can be considerate enough to allow offer in compromise.
The state has three inherent powers and one of the most important is the power of taxation.
This is the source of the government's survival and existence.
The state protects its citizens so in return for that service taxes are levied on those who are qualified under the law to pay their dues and grant special arrangements to those who cannot pay by way of OIC.

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