Landlords - Is Your Holiday Villa Parent Friendly?
Parents often find the option of renting a villa easier than booking into a hotel.
For parents of babies there can be the added bonus of being able to travel that bit lighter - a family friendly villa will have cots, buggies, high chairs, booster seats and other things that make travelling easier.
Parents that travel abroad know that the amount of toys they can take are limited by the airlines weight restrictions.
A villa that has a few hardy toys to hand will win the big thumbs up from many parents.
It's not expensive toys but toys that children really love no matter how old they are - bucket and spade, paddling pool, footballs that make a difference.
Some villas will even have small sized cutlery for toddlers and small children.
Villas in Europe win a thumbs up if they have some nappies and nappy sacks to hand.
Often parents buy these locally as they are restricted by weight.
Often children who are away from their familiar surroundings will be restless at night.
A villa with a bed guard will help children sleep easier at night, along with their parents.
Children cause a mess and if a villa owner has a vacuum cleaner as well as brooms and mops to hand, the family will find things easier to keep your property clean and tidy.
A villa with an enclosed garden will be popular with parents of toddlers and it goes with out saying a folder with local attractions, nearest supermarkets, nearest pharmacies and doctors will be appreciated.
As with all holidays it's the little things that make a difference and providing parents with those means a villa owner will get lots of positive feedback and valuable word of mouth.
You may be thinking as you read this that this is common sense, but you would be surprised that some villa owners completely miss the parental market by not providing the obvious.
For parents of babies there can be the added bonus of being able to travel that bit lighter - a family friendly villa will have cots, buggies, high chairs, booster seats and other things that make travelling easier.
Parents that travel abroad know that the amount of toys they can take are limited by the airlines weight restrictions.
A villa that has a few hardy toys to hand will win the big thumbs up from many parents.
It's not expensive toys but toys that children really love no matter how old they are - bucket and spade, paddling pool, footballs that make a difference.
Some villas will even have small sized cutlery for toddlers and small children.
Villas in Europe win a thumbs up if they have some nappies and nappy sacks to hand.
Often parents buy these locally as they are restricted by weight.
Often children who are away from their familiar surroundings will be restless at night.
A villa with a bed guard will help children sleep easier at night, along with their parents.
Children cause a mess and if a villa owner has a vacuum cleaner as well as brooms and mops to hand, the family will find things easier to keep your property clean and tidy.
A villa with an enclosed garden will be popular with parents of toddlers and it goes with out saying a folder with local attractions, nearest supermarkets, nearest pharmacies and doctors will be appreciated.
As with all holidays it's the little things that make a difference and providing parents with those means a villa owner will get lots of positive feedback and valuable word of mouth.
You may be thinking as you read this that this is common sense, but you would be surprised that some villa owners completely miss the parental market by not providing the obvious.