Health & Medical Women's Health

Do You Know What to Expect After Having a Breast Lift?

This article will discuss what a woman should expect after a breast lift surgery.
Keep in mind that this article is by no means complete, and if you want the most up to date, current information, there is no substitute to speaking directly with a plastic surgeon who specializes in breast lift surgeries! If you want optimal results from your surgery, you should have realistic expectations! It's true that perkier, fuller breasts are closely associated with youth but that doesn't mean that a breast lift surgery will actually make you younger! Of course, that's an absurd expectation, but subconsciously many women may believe they will look and feel younger after the surgery.
It's true her breasts will appear younger because they will be fuller and perkier, similar to how they were when the woman was much younger.
What kind of results can you expect from your breast lift surgery? Your breasts will typically sit higher on your chest, and your surgeon will most likely relocate your areola so that is located higher on your breast.
Droopiness and sagginess are both eliminated when a woman experiences a successful breast lift surgery.
Recovery can be easy and uncomplicated, or can be very difficult and slow.
For the best chance at a speedy and healthy recovery, you will need to follow your surgeon's instructions explicitly! Your surgeon will most likely prescribe a pain killer and an antibiotic.
While the pain killers can make your recovery a little less uncomfortable, the antibiotics simply cannot be avoided.
They are used to fight against the chance of an infection developing.
Infections are more dangerous than the surgery itself and can quickly complicate your recovery process.
After any kind of breast enhancement surgery, your breasts will be bruised, swollen, and generally unsightly - this is normal and all three will pass with time.
You will be required to wear a restrictive bra immediately following surgery.
The bra is meant to restrict unnecessary breast movement and allow your body to start the healing process.
If returning to work right away is a concern to you, rest assured that you can be back at work within 2 weeks after surgery.
However, you will be restricted from lifting your arms above shoulder level.
You'll also be restricted from any strenuous type of work.
In fact, if your job requires strenuous work every day, then you probably should not return to work for at least a month after your surgery.
Three other very important tips for a quick breast lift recovery: no smoking, drink plenty of water, and have plenty of rest! A person would think those three are just plain common sense, but you'd be surprised at how many women don't take their recovery seriously and end up with unnecessary complications or excessive scarring that could have been avoided.
Would you like to learn more about how a breast lift procedure can benefit you? You will need to contact a local breast lift surgeon and schedule an initial consultation.
Don't worry about the consultation cost - most surgeons provide a free initial consultation for new patients! Good luck!

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