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Drunk Driving May Be Outlawed Completely In The Future

In a perfect world, everyone would follow the law system and behave in a manner that would cut accidents in cars to an absolute minimum.
However, humans being humans, some people will try to get around the law or hide from police when they know that they are committing a crime.
This is never more obvious when people drink alcohol or take illicit drugs and then get in their cars to drive off.
If anyone has been arrested for these offenses, it is paramount that they get the services of an OVI attorney to lead them through the court procedures that are bound to follow.
Indeed, without an OVI lawyer, the accused will probably get a heavier sentence.
Most of us have probably taken a risk occasionally when we have taken one more drink that we know will take us over the limit.
We try to work out body weight, how much food we took and how long alcohol takes to pass through the body and we think that we are on the right track.
Unfortunately, life is never that simple.
What a lot of people do not consider is that there are many other influences which affect us and this is proven by how many people are found guilty on the morning after a drinking session.
Although we all like to think that the morning brings with it complete sobriety, those who have been stopped on the way to work for a breathalyzer have come completely unstuck.
This is even more apparent after a New Year celebration when people want to visit family and friends but have forgotten how much alcohol they took the night before.
Indeed, many police forces around the world now undertake more serious road testing just after a public holiday and catch even the most respectable people out.
Of course, this could be innocently done since most people do not even consider that they have done anything wrong but in the eyes of the law, ignorance is not a defense.
Some states are actually considering dropping the alcohol limit to zero for anyone who is expected to drive and this is where there will be no excuse at all in future.
Even taking one glass of wine with a meal will not be allowed anymore.
If people do not start adhering to the current rules about drinking and driving, this will be the next step for sure.
However, for those who have been caught, they do have rights and do not have to undergo those roadside tests that we are all familiar with.
They can insist upon going to the station for all tests to be done in a controlled environment and this will surely allow them to get themselves together for the next step.
They certainly must get the help of an expert to see them through this procedure since an unguarded moment could cost them dearly when the case goes to court.
Only doing what the expert says is acceptable is the first line of defense for those who are arrested on any charge at all.

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