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Ode To God

I am committed to be happily married with the woman of my dreams to create a lifelong marriage and family that will last forever.
I am visualizing that my wife and I will be defining America The Beautiful and realizing the dreams of all our fellow Americans and the rest of the world.
We are committed to fulfill on The American Dream founded by The Founding Fathers on July 4th, 1776.
I am an innocent child with your guidance with the Holy Spirit I am lost without you I am crying for your arms to hold me like a vulnerable child I am nothing without you I am desiring you God that I dance and sing to you like King David I am sinner 24/7 if I don't have you next to me.
I am committed to our love to last forever.
Please God never forsake me until we are married to one another for eternity.
Una Oración a Dios Soy un niño inocente con el Espiritu Santo Estoy perdido sin Ti Estoy en lagrimas por tus brazos para que me sostengan como un niño fragile Soy nada sin Ti Estoy deseandote Dios que hasta canto y bailo para ti como el Rey David Soy un pecador las 24 horas del dia y todos los siete dias de la semano si no te tengo conmigo.
Estoy comprometido en nuestro amor que va durar para siempre Por favor Dios nunca me dejes hasta que estemos casados para vivir juntos eternamente

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