Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Symptoms Of Heart Attack In Women

It has been revealed in recent research and survey that a heart attack is the number one killer disease among women. Every year, large numbers of women loose their life due to these conditions. Most often women do not recognize this condition until they are subjected to the severe attack. There are different causes of attack, that's why it becomes a leading killer for both men in women. But nowadays, there are excellent treatments that can save lives and present disabilities. The question is what causes heart attacks? And how can we avoid it? Is there any special procedure that we can do to avoid it?

Evaluation by a physician is necessary to determine which heart disease treatment is appropriate, assuming any treatment at all is needed. Self-diagnosis or self-treatment of chest pain is never appropriate. Never forget that a heart attack does permanent damage to the muscle of the heart. Many women die before receiving medical attention. Their symptoms may have been absent, too sudden, or had not been diagnosed previously. Also, most women are not aware that they have heart problem.

The typical signs of heart attack they have learned to recognize don't match with the symptoms they are having or heart attack has mostly been seen as a "man's" affliction (in spite of statistics stating otherwise); They are too preoccupied with other things - such as running errands, caring for children, or working at their place of employment. Heart attack symptoms can be understated especially with people who are suffering from other health complications such as diabetes.

For example, the common symptoms of a heart attack are not the same as diabetes such as the deep chest pains. You could also argue that women who experience pains in their chest may also not be the common symptoms of a heart attack. Children who have one or more parent with heart disease are at risk for developing it themselves. African Americans tend to suffer more from extreme high blood pressure than Caucasians, therefore increasing their chances for heart disease and heart attacks.

Silent heart attacks can happen especially to those with prior heart attacks and who have diabetes and are over the age of 65 and those prone to strokes. The symptoms of a silent heart attack can be vague and mild but one must remember that they can be just as serious and life threatening as heart attacks with a severe chest pain.

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